We heartily welcome parent and guardian involvement in the life of our school. There are opportunities to get involved and connect with the school and with other families through a range of events including Meet the Teachers evenings, Family BBQs and picnic concerts here on our beautiful school grounds as well as parent information evenings, educational film screenings, guest speaker events, our annual art exhibition, semester instrumental music concerts, dance and drama showcase evenings, the Student Led Conferences, valedictory graduation dinners and through our amazing Parents Association who run fun social and fundraising events for families throughout the year.

We also have an incredibly hardworking and engaged School Council who play a major role in the governance of Coburg High School. Members of council report that it is a rewarding and challenging experience for them and each year we invite parent and student nominations for school council.

Each councillor brings their own valuable life skills and knowledge to the role and contribute to the direction and vision for the school as well as participating in strategic planning, approving annual budgets and monitoring expenditure. School council has an important role in developing, reviewing and updating school policies, taking into account the views of the school community, raising funds, entering into contracts as appropriate, regulating the after hours use of the school premises and grounds, and communicating and reporting back to the school community.